


伟德BETVLCTOR1946唯一官网 伟德BETVlCTOR1946



危仁波,男,1988 5 月出生。博士研究生,伟德BETVLCTOR1946唯一官网教授、硕士生导师。从事高分子材料设计、合成、性能及产业化研究,主要包括聚芳醚等高性能高分子在耐高温介电储能领域的应用、有机光电化学催化还原氧气制备过氧化氢、传感器敏感材料的制备及其应用、膜分离材料的制备与性能的基础研究工作,以及聚芳醚和聚酯酰胺两种聚合物产业化的相关研究工作。目前已开发出可于300℃使用的耐高温介电薄膜,同时完成1000/年聚芳醚腈的产业化。以第一作者或通讯身份发表SCI文章90余篇(其中15篇入选高倍引论文,6篇同时也是热点论文),google H因子27,申请国家发明专利10余项(授权7项),出版专著1本。近几年担任《Polymer》、《Macromolecules》、《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》、《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》、《Journal of Materials Chemistry C》、《RSC Advances》、《Carbon》、《Ceramics International》、Electrochimica Acta》、《Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics》、《Journal of Electronic Materials》等十几种国际学术期刊审稿专家。基于前期的工作,曾获清华大学优秀博士论文奖,2017年博士后创新人才支持计划,2018年四川省高层次人才引进计划等荣誉。


2020.08-至今 伟德BETVLCTOR1946唯一官网,伟德BETVlCTOR1946,化学工程与技术,教授

2017.07-2020.07 电子科技大学,材料与能源学院,应用化学,副教授

2019.04-2020.04 Linköping University(瑞典林雪平大学) 访问学者

2017.07-2019.07 电子科技大学,电子科学与技术,博士后(博新计划)

2015.07-2017.07 电子科技大学,微电子与固体电子学院,应用化学,讲师

2014.06-2014.09 Institut Curie(法国居里实验室),访问学者

2010.09-2015.07 清华大学,化学工程系,材料科学与工程,博士

2006.09-2010.07 吉林大学,材料科学与工程学院,高分子材料,学士


Ø 高温介电储能研究

Ø 光电催化催化还原氧气制备过氧化氢

Ø 传感器敏感材料的设计与应用化研究

Ø 液体污染物吸附分离材料研究

Ø 可生物降解聚合物


1. 耐高温高介电常数聚合物基电介质制备及其性能研究,伟德BETVLCTOR1946唯一官网-科研启动基金, 2021.01-2023.1230万元,主持,在研。

2. TATP复合敏感材料的制备及涂覆,横向,2020.12-2021.07,35万元,主持,结题。

3. PI技术拓展及专利申请,横向,2021.05-2023.1024万元,主持,在研。

4. 耐高温高介电常数聚芳醚腈制备及其应用研究,电子科技大学-科研启动基金,2016.01-2017.1211.5万元,主持,结题

5. 手性偶氮聚合物的制备及其全息光储性能研究,自然科学基金-青年基金,2017.01-2019.125160302920万元,主持,结题。

6. 高灵敏度快速有机磷毒剂传感器研究,博士后创新人才支持计划,2017.07-2019.07BX20170004460万元,学校配套30万元,主持,结题。

8. 功能化石墨烯对有机磷毒剂传感性能研究,博士后面上基金,2017.07-2019.072017M6230015万元,主持,结题。

9. 系列耐温灌装型树脂的合成改性研究,横向,2013.05-2018.08,300万元,参与,结题。

10. 石墨烯/氧化石墨烯及其泡沫、薄膜、高性能复合材料的关键技术研发及应用,横向,2015.11-2018.12100万元,参与,结题。

11. 聚芳醚腈高性能复合材料加工, 横向, 2015.01-2015.1245万元,参与,已结题。

12. 年产1000吨可交联高性能聚芳醚腈产业规模化研究开发,横向,2017.03-2018.031000万元,参与,结题。

13. 高性能吸附树脂规模化生产技术, 横向, 2018.01-2019.12800万元,参与,结题。

14. 可生物降解聚酯酰胺合成技术,横向,2018.08-2019.12100万元,参与,结题。


1. 2021年陕西省高层次人才引进计划

2. 2018年四川省高层次人才引进计划

3. 2017年博士后创新人才支持计划


[1] 一种聚酯酰胺连续化生产工艺,ZL 201910345446.0,排名第1.

[2] 一种全息光存储聚合物及其制造方法,ZL 201711259188.1,排名第1.

[3] 一种石墨烯/聚乳酸复合材料及其制备方法,ZL 201410029502.7, 排名第1.

[4] 可交联聚芳醚腈/四氧化三铁杂化磁性材料及其制造方法,ZL201510903152.7, 排名第1.

[5] 一种气体传感器, ZL201218008077.5, 排名第6.

[6] 一种含砷与铬的废水的处理装置,ZL 201310613475.3, 排名第8.

[7] 一种高分子荧光微球传感器, ZL201218008077.5, 排名第8.


[1] Renbo Wei, Liquid crystalline elastomers and block copolymers. Golden Light Academic Publishing, 2016.10.


1. Guo Jiang*, Li Xu, Chen Zhuoran, Zhu Jianfeng, Mai Xianmin*, Wei Renbo, Sun Kai, Liu Hu, Chen Yunxia*, Naik Nithesh, Guo Zhanhu*. Magnetic NiFe2O4/Polypyrrole nanocomposites with enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2022, 108, 64-72.

2. Hong Junmao, Kang Le, Shi Xiaofeng*, Wei Renbo*, Mai Xianmin*, Pan Duo, Naik Nithesh, Guo Zhanhu*. Highly efficient removal of trace lead (II) from wastewater by 1,4-dicarboxybenzene modified Fe/Co metal organic nanosheets. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2022, 98, 212-218.

3. Han Weihua, Gao Feng, Zhou Lingyun, Wang Lu, Hua Xiufu*, Xue Xinyu, Li Zhiqiang, Luo Wei, Pang Lingyun, Wei Renbo*. Flexible fluorinated multi-walled carbon nanotube/polyarylene ether nitrile metacomposites with negative permittivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2022, 10, 171-179.

4. He Zhenfeng*, Wang Guoqing, Wang Chao*, Guo Li, Wei Renbo*, Song Gang, Pan Duo, Das Rajib, Naik Nithesh, Hu Zhuolin, Guo Zhanhu*. Overview of Anion Exchange Membranes Based on Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP). Polymer Reviews 2021, 61 (4), 689-713.

5. Wei Huige*, Xu Qizhou, Li Ang, Wan Tong, Huang Yan, Cui Dapeng*, Pan Duo, Dong Binbin, Wei Renbo*, Naik Nithesh, Guo Zhanhu*. Dendritic core-shell copper-nickel alloy@metal oxide for efficient non-enzymatic glucose detection. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2021, 337, 129687.

6. Shi Xiaofeng*, Kang Le, Hong Junmao, Wang Chao, Wei, Renbo*, Naik Nithesh, Guo, Zhanhu*. Strong selectivity and high capacity in the adsorption of As (V) from wastewater by glycine-modified Fe/Cu-layered double hydroxides. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021, 865, 158956.

7. Yao Xingyu, Zhao Jinbo, Jin Zhidong, Jiang Zhen, Xu Dongmei, Wang Fenglong, Zhang Xiaomei, Song Haixiang, Pan Duo, Chen Yunxia, Wei Renbo, Guo Zhanhu, Liu Jiurong, Naik Nithesh, Wang Rutao, Wu Lili*. Flower-like Hydroxyfluoride-Sensing Platform toward NO2 Detection. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2021, 13, 22, 26278-26287.

8. Shi Xiaofeng*, Mai Xianmin*, Wei Renbo*, Ma Yong*, Naik Nithesh, He Zhenfeng, Chen Yanjun, Wang Chao, Dong Binbin, Guo Zhanhu*. Removing Pb2+ and As(V) from polluted water by highly reusable Fe-Mg metal-organic complex adsorbent. Powder Technology 2021, 383, 104-114.

9. Wu Nannan, Hu Qian*, Wei Renbo*, Mai Xianmin*, Naik Nithesh, Pan Duo, Guo Zhanhu*, Shi Zhengjun*. Review on the electromagnetic interference shielding properties of carbon based materials and their novel composites: Recent progress, challenges and prospects. Carbon 2021, 176, 88-105.

10. Yang Zhenhua, Wu Zijian*, Jiang Dawei, Wei Renbo*, Mai Xianmin, Pan Duo, Vupputuri Sravanthi, Weng Ling*, Naik Nithesh, Guo Zhanhu. Ultra-sensitive flexible sandwich structural strain sensors based on a silver nanowire supported PDMS/PVDF electrospun membrane substrate. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2021, 9(8), 2752-2762.

11. Huo Yufeng, He Zhenfeng*, Wang Chao*, Zhang Lei, Xuan Qianyu, Wei Suying, Wang Yanhong, Pan Duo, Dong Binbin, Wei Renbo*, Naik Nithesh, Guo Zhanhu*. The recent progress of synergistic supramolecular polymers: preparation, properties and applications. Chemical Communications 2021, 57(12), 1413-1429.

12. Wang Lingling, Bai Zhongxiang, Liu Chenchen, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Porous fluorinated polyarylene ether nitrile as ultralow permittivity dielectrics used under humid environment. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2021, 9(3), 860-868.

13. Wu Nannan*, Bai Xue, Pan Duo, Dong Binbin*, Wei Renbo*, Naik Nithesh, Patil Rahul Rangrao, Guo Zhanhu*. Recent Advances of Asymmetric Supercapacitors. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2021, 8(1), 2001710.

14. Wei Renbo*, Zhan Chenhao, Yang Yang, He Penglin, Liu Xiaobo*. Polyarylene ether nitrile and titanium dioxide hybrids as thermal resistant dielectrics.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2021, 39, 211-218.

15. Wei Renbo, Gryszel Maciej, Migliaccio Ludovico, Glowacki Eric Daniel*. Tuning photoelectrochemical performance of poly(3-hexylthiophene) electrodes via surface structuring. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2020, 8(31), 10897-10906.

16. Wang Lingling, Liu Xiaocan, Liu Changyu, Zhou Xuefei, Liu Chenchen, Cheng Maozeng, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Ultralow dielectric constant polyarylene ether nitrile foam with excellent mechanical properties. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 384, 123231.

17. Tong Lifen, Wang Yajie, You Yong, Tu Ling, Wei Renbo, Liu Xiaobo*. Effect of Plasticizer and Shearing Field on the Properties of Poly(arylene ether nitrile) Composites. ACS Omaga 2020, 5(4), 1870-1878.

18. Liu Shuning, Liu Chenchen, You Yong, Wang Yajie, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Fabrication of BaTiO3-Loaded Graphene Nanosheets-Based Polyarylene Ether Nitrile Nanocomposites with Enhanced Dielectric and Crystallization Properties. Nanomaterials 2019, 9(12), 1667.

19. Tu Ling, You Yong, Liu Changyu, Zhan Chenhao, Wang Yajie, Cheng Maozeng, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Enhanced Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Polyarylene Ether Nitrile Composites Incorporated with Barium Titanate Nanowires. Ceramics International 2019, 45(17), 22841-22848.

20. Mao Hua, You Yong, Tong Lifen, Tang Xiaohe, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Dielectric properties of poly(arylene ether nitrile ketone) copolymers. High Performance Polymers 2019, 31(8), 901-908.

21. You Yong, Liu Shuning, Tu Ling, Wang Yajie, Zhan Chenhao, Du Xuanyi, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Controllable Fabrication of Polyarylene Ether Nitrile Dielectrics for Thermal Resistant Film Capacitors. Macromolecules 2019, 52, 5850.

22. Tu Ling, Xiao Qian, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Fabrication and Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Boron Nitride and Polyarylene Ether Nitrile Hybrids. Polymers 2019, 11, 1340.

23. Hu Weibin, You Yong, Tong Lifen, Tu Ling, Wang Yajie, Wei Renbo*, Liu, Xiaobo*. Preparation and physical properties of polyarylene ether nitrile and polyarylene ether sulfone random copolymers. High Performance Polymers 2019, 31(6), 686-693.

24. You Yong, Tu Ling, Wang Yajie, Tong Lifen, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Enhancing dielectric and mechanical properties of polyarylene ether nitrile composites by hot-stretching to achieve secondary dispersion of modified nanoparticles. Nanomaterials 2019, 9, 1006.

25. Gu Hongbo*, Xu Xiaojiang, Dong Mengyao, Xie Peitao, Shao Qian, Fan Runhua, Liu Chuntai, Wu Shide, Wei Renbo*, Guo Zhanhu*. Carbon nanospheres induced high negative permittivity in nanosilver-polydopamine metacomposites. Carbon 2019, 147, 550-558.

26. Wang Chao*, Lan Feifei, He Zhenfeng, Xie Xiaofeng, Zhao Yuhong, Hou Hua, Guo Li, Murugadoss Vignesh, Liu Hu, Shao Qian, Gao Qiang*, Ding Tao*, Wei Renbo*, Guo Zhanhu*. Iridium-based Catalysts for Solid Polymer Electrolyte Electrocatalytic Water Splitting. ChemSusChem 2019, 12, 1576-1590.

27. Jiang Dawei, Wang Ying, Lin Jing*, Ding Tao*, Wang Zicheng, Shao Qian, Wang Chao, Liu Hu, Lu Na, Wei Renbo*, Angaiah Subramania*, Guo Zhanhu*. Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Polymers and Nanocomposites - A Review. Polymer Reviews 2019, 59, 280-337.

28. Wang Lingling, Zhang Yingchuan, Zhan Chenhao, You Yong, Zhang Hongxing, Ma Jinyi, Xiong Zhiyuan, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo. Synthesis and photoinduced anisotropy of polymers containing nunchaku-like unit with an azobenzene and a mesogen. Polymers 2019, 11, 600.

29. Wang Yajie, You Yong, Tu Ling, Hu Weibin, Tong Lifen, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Mechanical and dielectric properties of crystalline poly(arylene ether nitrile) copolymers. High Performance Polymers 2019, 31, 310-320.

30. Cheng Chuanbing, Fan Runhua*, Fan Guohua, Liu Hu, Zhang Jiaoxia, Shen Jianxing, Ma Qian, Wei Renbo*, Guo Zhanhu*. Tunable negative permittivity and magnetic performance of yttrium iron garnet/polypyrrole metacomposites at the RF frequency. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2019, 7, 3160-3167.

31. Liu Shuning, Liu Chenchen, Liu Changyu, Tu Ling, You Yong, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*.PolyaryleneEther Nitrile and Barium TitanateNanocomposite Plasticized by CarboxylatedZinc Phthalocyanine Buffer. Polymers 2019, 11, 418.

32. Gu Hongbo*, Zhang Hongyuan, Ma Chao, Sun Hongling, Liu Chuntai, Dai Kun, Zhang Jiaoxia, Wei Renbo*, Ding Tao*, Guo Zhanhu*. Smart strain sensing organic–inorganic hybrid hydrogels with nano barium ferrite as the cross-linker. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2019, 7, 2353-2360.

33. Li Renjie, Zhu Xiangzhen, Fu Qingfeng, Liang Guisheng, Chen Yongjun, Luo Lijie, Dong Mengyao, Shao Qian, Lin Chunfu*, Wei Renbo*, Guo Zhanhu*. Nanosheet-based Nb12O29 hierarchical microspheres for enhanced lithium storage. Chemical Communications 2019, 55, 2493-2496.

34. Zhan Chenhao, Zhang Yingchuan, Zhang Hongxing, Ma Jinyi, Xiong Zhiyuan, Wei Renbo*. Synthesis and self-assembling of diblock copolymers containing a side-on liquid crystalline block and a pseudo-stilbene azobenzene block. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 2019, 680, 31-45.

35. Idrees Muhammad, Batool Saima, Kong Jie*, Zhuang Qiang, Liu Hu, Shao Qian, Lu Na, Feng Yining, Wujcik Evan K., Gao Qiang, Ding Tao*, Wei Renbo*, Guo Zhanhu*. Polyborosilazane derived ceramics-Nitrogen sulfur dual doped graphene nanocomposite anode for enhanced lithium ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 296, 925-937.

36. Gu Hongbo*, Zhang Hongyuan, Ma Chao, Xu Xiaojing, Wang Yaqing, Wang Zicheng, Wei Renbo*, Liu Hu, Liu Chuntai, Shao Qian, Mai Xianmin*, Guo Zhanhu*. Trace electrosprayed nanopolystyrene facilitated dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotubes: Simultaneously strengthening and toughening epoxy. Carbon 2019, 142, 131.

37. Wei Renbo*, Tu Ling, You Yong, Zhan Chenhao, Wang Yajie, Liu Xiaobo*. Fabrication of crosslinked single-component polyarylene ether nitrile composite with enhanced dielectric properties. Polymer 2019, 161, 162-169.

38. Wei Renbo*, Xiao Qian, Zhan Chenhao, You Yong, Zhou Xuefei, Liu Xiaobo*. Polyarylene ether nitrile and boron nitride composites: coating with sulfonated polyarylene ether nitrile. e-Polymers 2019, 19, 70-78.

39. Wei Huige*, Wang Hui, Xia Yijie, Cui Dapeng*, Shi Yapeng, Dong Mengyao, Liu Chuntai*, Ding Tao, Zhang Jiaoxia, Ma Yong, Wang Ning, Wang Zicheng, Sun Ye, Wei Renbo*, Guo Zhanhu*. An Overview of Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials and Devices. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6, 12446-12467.

40. Liu Hu*, Li Qianming, Zhang Shuaidi, Yin Rui, Liu Xianhu, He Yuxin, Dai Kun, Shan Chongxin, Guo Jiang, Liu Chuntai*, Shen Changyu, Wang Xiaojing, Wang Ning, Wang Zicheng, Wei Renbo*, Guo Zhanhu*. Electrically Conductive Polymer Composites for Smart Flexible Strain Sensor: A Critical Review. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6, 12121-12141.

41. You Yong, Wang Yajie, Tu Ling, Tong Lifen, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo. Interface Modulation of Core-Shell Structured BaTiO3@polyaniline for Novel Dielectric Materials from Its Nanocomposite with Polyarylene Ether Nitrile. Polymers 2018,10, 1378.

42. Tang Xiaohe, You Yong, Mao Hua, Li Kui, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Improved energy storage density of composite films based on poly(arylene ether nitrile) and sulfonated poly(arylene ether nitrile) functionalized graphene. Materials Today Communications 2018, 17, 355-361.

43. Wang Zicheng, Wei Renbo*, Gu Junwei, Liu Hu, Liu Chuntai, Luo Chunjia, Kong Jie,* Shao Qian, Wang Ning, Guo Zhanhu,* Liu Xiaobo*. Ultralight, highly compressible and fire-retardant graphene aerogel with self-adjustable electromagnetic wave absorption. Carbon 2018, 139, 1126-1135.

44. Wei Renbo*, Yang Ruiqi, Xiong Zhiyuan, Xiao Qian, Li, Kui, Liu Xiaobo*. Enhanced Dielectric Properties of Polyarylene Ether Nitriles Filled with Core-Shell Structured PbZrO3 Around BaTiO3 Nanoparticles. Journal of Electronic Materials 2018, 47, 6177-6184.

45. Xiao Qian, Zhan Chenhao, You Yong, Tong Lifen, Wei Renbo;* Liu Xiaobo*. Preparation and thermal conductivity of copper phthalocyanine grafted boron nitride nanosheets. Materials Letters 2018, 227, 33.

46. Yang Ruiqi, Xiao Qian, You Yong, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. In situ catalyzed and reinforced high-temperature flexible crosslinked ZnO nano-whisker/polyarylene ether nitriles composite dielectric films. Polymer Composites 2018, 39(8), 2801-2811.

47. Tu Ling, You Yong, Tong Lifen, Wang Yajie, Hu Weibin, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Crystallinity of poly(arylene ether nitrile) copolymers containing hydroquinone and bisphenol A segments. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2018, 135, 46412.

48. Tang Xiaohe, You Yong, Mao Hua, Li Kui, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Energy Storage of Polyarylene Ether Nitriles at High Temperature. Electronic Materials Letters 2018, 14, 440-445.

49. Xiao Qian, Han Weihan, Yang Ruiqi, You Yong, Wei Renbo,* Liu Xiaobo*. Mechanical, dielectric, and thermal properties of polyarylene ether nitrile and boron nitride nanosheets composites. Polymer Composites 2018, 39, E1598.

50. Tong Lifen, Wei Renbo, You Yong, Liu Xiaobo. Post Self-Crosslinking of Phthalonitrile-Terminated Polyarylene Ether Nitrile Crystals. Polymers 2018, 10(6), 640.

51. Xiao Qian, Yang Ruiqi, You Yong, Zhang Hongxing, Wei Renbo,* Liu Xiaobo*. Crystalline, Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of Polyarylene Ether Nitrile with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Filled with Polyarylene Ether Nitrile. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2018, 18, 4311.

52. Mao Hua, You Yong, Tong Lifen, Tang Xiaohe, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Dielectric properties of diblock copolymers containing a polyarylene ether nitrile block and a polyarylene ether ketone block. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2018, 29, 3127-3134.

53. You Yong, Zhan Chenhao, Tu Ling, Wang Yajie, Hu Weibin, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Polyarylene Ether Nitrile-Based High- Composites for Dielectric Applications. International Journal of Polymer Science 2018, 5161908

54. Zhang Xuan, Wen Ziqi, Zhang Hongxing, Han Weihua, Ma Jinyi, Wei Renbo*, Hua Xiufu*. Dielectric Properties of Azo Polymers: Effect of the Push-Pull Azo Chromophores. International Journal of Polymer Science 2018, 4541937.

55. Wei Renbo*, Hua Xiufu, Xiong Zhiyuan. Polymers and Polymeric Composites with Electronic Applications. International Journal of Polymer Science 2018, 8412480.

56. Liu Jingchun, Zheng Penglun, Feng Mengna, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Cross-Linked Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether nitrile)s with Low Swelling and High Proton Conductivity. Macromolecular Research 2017, 25, 1199-1204.

57. Yan Liang, Pu Zejun, Xu Mingzhen, Wei Renbo,* Liu Xiaobo*. Fabrication and electromagnetic properties of conjugated NH2-CuPc@Fe3O4. Journal of Electronic Materials 2017, 46, 5608.

58. Wei Renbo*, Wang Jialing, Zhang Hongxing, Han Weihua, Liu Xiaobo*. Crosslinked Polyarylene Ether Nitrile Interpenetrating with Zinc Ion Bridged Graphene Sheet and Carbon Nanotube Network. Polymers 2017, 9, 342.

59. You Yong, Du Xianyi, Mao Hua, Tang Xiaohe, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Synergistic enhancement of mechanical, crystalline and dielectric properties of polyarylene ether nitrile-based nanocomposites by unidirectional hot stretching-quenching. Polymer International 2017, 66, 1151.

60. Wang Zicheng, Wei Renbo*, Liu Xiaobo*. Fluffy and Ordered Graphene Multilayer Films with Improved Electromagnetic Interference Shielding over X-Band. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 22408.

61. Wei Rennbo*, Jin Fei, Long Cheng, Liu Xiaobo*. MWCNT-reinforced polyarylene ether nitrile nanocomposites: Influence of surface roughness of MWCNT. High Performance Polymers 2017, 29(4), 441-449.

62. Wang Zicheng, Wei Renbo;* Liu Xiaobo*. Dielectric properties of copper phthalocyanine nanocomposites incorporated with graphene oxide. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2017, 28, 7437.

63. Wei Renbo,* Wang Jialing, Wang Zicheng, Tong Lifen, Liu Xiaobo*. Magnetite bridged carbon nanotubes/graphene sheets three dimensional network with excellent microwave absorption. Journal of Electronic Materials 2017, 46, 2097.

64. Wang Jialing, Wei Renbo,* Tong Lifen, Liu Xiaobo*. Effect of magnetite bridged carbon nanotube/graphene networks on the properties of polyarylene ether nitrile. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2017, 28, 3978–3986.

65. Long Cheng, Wei Renbo,* Huang Xu, Feng Mengna, Jia Kun, Liu Xiaobo*. Mechanical, dielectric, and rheological properties of poly(arylene ether nitrile)–reinforced poly(vinylidene fluoride). High Performance Polymers 2016, 29, 178.

66. Wang Zicheng, Wei Renbo,* Liu Xiaobo*. Dielectric Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Copper Phthalocyanine Nanocomposites Fabricated Through π–π Interaction. Journal of Electronic Materials 2017, 46, 488.

67. You Yong, Han Weihua, Tu Ling, Wang Yajie, Wei Renbo,* Liu Xiaobo*. Double-layer core/shell-structured nanoparticles in polyarylene ether nitriles based nanocomposites as flexible dielectric materials. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 29306.

68. Tong Lifen, Wei Renbo, Liu Xiaobo. Novel In-Situ Nanocomposites of Phthalonitrile End-Capped Polyarylene Ether Nitrile/Copper Phthalocyanine. AIP Conference Proceedings 2017, 1794, 020032.

69. Wang Zicheng, Wei Renbo, Liu Xiaobo. Fabrication of Selectively Functionalized-Graphene Reinforced Copper Phthalocyanine Nanocomposites with Low Dielectric Loss and High Dielectric Constant. AIP Conference Proceedings 2017, 1794, 020036.

70. Wei Renbo,* Hua Xiufu*. Contraction of side-on nematic liquid crystalline elastomers micropillars: influence of molecular parameters. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 2017, 643, 83.

71. Yang Ruiqi, Wei Renbo, Li Kui, Tong Lifen, Jia Kun*, Liu Xiaobo*. Crosslinked polyarylene ether nitrile film as flexible dielectric materials with ultrahigh thermal stability. Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 36434. (Co-first author)

72. Wei Renbo,* Ma Jinyi, Zhang Hongxing, He Yangning*. Synthesis, liquid crystalline mesophases and morphologies of diblock copolymers composed of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) block and a nematic liquid crystalline block. Liquid Crystals 2016, 43, 1682.

73. Wei Renbo,* Li Kui, Ma Jinyi, Zhang Hongxing, Liu Xiaobo*. Improving dielectric properties of polyarylene ether nitrile with conducting polyaniline. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2016, 27, 9565.

74. Tong Lifen, Wei Renbo,* Wang Jialing, Liu Xiaobo*. Phthalonitrile end-capped polyarylene ether nitrile nanocomposites with Cu2+ bridged carbon nanotube and graphene oxide network. Materials Letters 2016, 178, 312.

75. Wei Renbo,* Ma Jinyi, Zhang Hongxing, He Yaning*. Synthesis, characterization, and photo-responsive properties of Y-shaped amphiphilic azo triblock copolymer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2016, 133, 43695.

76. Li Kui, Tong Lifen, Yang Ruiqi, Wei Renbo,* Liu Xiaobo*. In-situ preparation and dielectric properties of silver-polyarylene ether nitrile nanocomposite films. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2016, 27, 4559.

77. Wang Zicheng, Wei Renbo,* Liu Xiaobo*. Preparation and dielectric properties of copper phthalocyanine/graphene oxide nanohybrids via in situ polymerization. Journal of Materials Science 2016, 51, 4682.

78. Wei Renbo,* Wang Zicheng, Zhang Hongxing, Liu Xiaobo*. Photo-responsive liquid crystalline elastomer with reduced chemically modified graphene oxide. Liquid Crystals 2016, 43, 1009.

79. Pu Zejun, Wei Renbo, Liu Xiaobo. Influence of unidirectional hot-stretching on the mechanical and dielectric properties of polymer-based composites. ENERGY SCIENCE AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY 2016, 191-194.

80. You Yong, Wei Renbo,* Yang Ruiqi, Yang Wei, Hua Xiufu, Liu Xiaobo*. Crystallization behaviors of polyarylene ether nitrile filled in multi-walled carbon nanotubes. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 70877.

81. Wei, RB; Wang, XG; He, YN*. Synthesis of side-on liquid crystalline diblock copolymers through macromolecular azo coupling reaction. European Polymer Journal 2015, 69, 584.

82. Wei Renbo, Xu Zeda, Wang Xiaogong*. Epoxy-based azo polymer for photofabricating surface-relief quasi-crystal structures. Optical Materials Express 2015, 5, 1348.

83. Liu Xiyang, Wei Renbo, Hoang PT; Wang Xiaogong*, Liu Tao*, Keller P*. Reversible and Rapid Laser Actuation of Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Micropillars with Inclusion of Gold Nanoparticles. Advanced Functional Materials 2015, 25, 3022.

84. Wang Zicheng, Wei Renbo,* Liu Xiaobo*. Facile fabrication of multilayer films of graphene oxide/copper phthalocyanine with high dielectric properties. RSC Advances 2015, 5, 88306.

85. Wei Renbo, Xu Zeda, Liu Xiyang, He Yaning, Wang Xiaogong*. Liquid-crystalline compounds containing both a strong push-pull azo chromophore and a cholesteryl unit as photoresponsive molecular glass materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2015, 3, 10925.

86. Wei Renbo, He Yaning, Wang Xiaogong*, Keller P*. Photoluminescent Nematic Liquid Crystalline Elastomer with a Thermomechanical Emission Variation Function. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2014, 35, 1571.

87. Wei Renbo, He Yaning, Wang Xiaogong*. Diblock copolymers composed of a liquid crystalline azo block and a poly(dimethylsiloxane) block: synthesis, morphology and photoresponsive properties. RSC Advances 2014, 4, 58386.

88. Wei Renbo, Zhou Lingyun, He Yaning, Wang Xiaogong*, Keller, P*. Effect of molecular parameters on thermomechanical behavior of side-on nematic liquid crystal elastomers. Polymer 2013, 54, 5321.

89. Wu Ziliang, Wei Renbo, Buguin A, Taulemesse JM, Le Moigne N, BergereT A, Wang Xiaogong*, Keller P*. Stimuli-Responsive Topological Change of Microstructured Surfaces and the Resultant Variations of Wetting Properties. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 7485.

90. Wei Renbo, He Yaning, Wang Xiaogong,* Keller P*. Nematic Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Grating and Microwire Fabricated by Micro-Molding in Capillaries. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2013, 34, 330.

91. He Yaning*, H, Wei, Liu Dan, Gu Tonghan, Wei Renbo, Wang Xiaogong*. Synthesis of block copolymers via the combination of RAFT and a macromolecular azo coupling reaction. Polymer Chemistry 2013, 4, 402.

92. Wang Yang, Wei Renbo, He Yaning*, Wang Xiaogong*. Synthesis of Hyperbranched Azo-polymer-grafted Graphene Oxide Hybrid. Chemistry Letters 2012, 41, 430.

93. He Yaning*, He Wei, Wei Renbo, Chen Zhen, Wang Xiaogong*. Synthesizing amphiphilic block copolymers through macromolecular azo-coupling reaction. Chemical Communications 2012, 48, 1036.

94. Wei Renbo, Wang Xiaogong, He Yaning*. Synthesis, self-assembly and photo-responsive behavior of AB(2) shaped amphiphilic azo block copolymer. Chinese Chemical Letters 2015, 26, 857.

95. Zhang Hongxing, Wei Renbo, Chen Chuanzhi, Tuo Xinlin, Wang Xiaogong*. A novel fluorescent epoxy resin for organophosphate pesticide detection. Chinese Chemical Letters 2015, 26, 39.

96. Wei Renbo, Zhang Hongxing, He Yaning, Wang Xiaogong*, Keller P*. Photoluminescent nematic liquid crystalline elastomer actuators. Liquid Crystals 2014, 41, 1821.